7. Battlefield 3
I chose Battlefield this year. There was no way I could avoid the huge battle of FPS' this year, so after much deliberation, I settled for EA's new big shooter, and boy was I impressed. The graphics are as good as they say and the sound is terrifying as every bullet fly's past your head with a hissing tone. Whilst it is not the perfect game EA big it up to be, Battlefield 3 is an explosive, heart pounding experience that, in my opinion, has the greatest multiplayer ever created. Simply expanding on the previous entries, the online component is ridiculously huge and unlike the lone wolf Call of Duty, heavily relies on strong teamwork to succeed. Having never played a Battlefield game before, I was a little intimidated by the whole team aspect, but due to impeccable design, I was working as a team in a squad of four by my first match. With a whole array of unlocks, vehicles and maps the size of Russia, Battlefield 3 is the main reason why my PS3 is plugged up to the internet this year!
6. Rayman Origins
As time went on and gamers required a constant supply of originality and excitement, poor old Rayman lost his ways, but in 2011 he popped back up from no where with this years most feel good, and beautiful game.
Returning to his roots with his best friend Globox, Rayman showed the gaming world that in a time of grey and beige military men, a classic 2D platforming adventure can still provide many hours of fun and excitement. With slick controls and incredibly inventive and original ideas, the whole Rayman universe was shaken up and reinvigorated. The actual platforming was nothing special, with the classic hidden areas and such, but the art style is simply gorgeous in every way shape and form. The bold cartoony colours feel like a game on acid whilst the comical character animations are simply hilarious. Rayman Origins is a very underrated game this year, it shows people that a game doesn't have to be serious or realistic, instead, a game can be inventive and try something new. Gaming is a platform for originality, and Rayman is the perfect example of a risk well received.
5. InFamous 2
There is something about superhero's, I don't really know what, but they just get me all excited and make me grin stupidly with childlike glee. Luckily, there were two actually good, if not amazing, super hero games this year, and the first was the wonderful InFamous 2. I loved the original, the story, the setting, the gameplay and the atmosphere was fantastic and created an incredibly involving and believable world. However, it was held back by a few little niggles such as scrappy graphics and awful voice acting. In 2011 though with the ten tonne pressure from Sony, Sucker Punch delivered a much more complete experience that felt as it was ripped straight from a comic. Cole was bigger and better with a huge arsenal of epic powers whilst the story was cheesy but cheery. InFamous 2 was not popular with everyone though, but for me, a super hero lover, there was no other game this year that made me feel like my favourite heroes and put power in my hands. (Except another game, which I will come to later!)
4. NBA 2K12
NBA I hear you ask? That is not a proper game! Oh but wait, unlike the classic FIFA criticism of the same game only slightly better re-release we hear each year, the team at 2K constantly make huge improvements with every yearly instalment, and as a result have created the greatest sport game ever. Last years model focused around all time legend Michael Jordan with a series of classic match challenges, but this year, not only is Air Jordan present, a whole host of legends ranging from Larry Bird to Wilt Chamberlin are present, and each has the same love and attention. The My Player mode was streamlined this year resulting in a much more lively experience and the Association mode is once again the pinnacle of sport campaigns. But, the main reason why I am placing NBA 2K12 so high in my list is this: the media always claim how games make people lazy, keep them indoors and brain wash them, but, after playing NBA 2K12, I have discovered a new sport that I love and adore. Before I played the game I had little to do with basketball, but now I play weekly and watch the NBA live nearly everyday. Isn't that good then? If a game can introduce someone to something which they grow to love? If a virtual game can do that, then it must be something special.
3. Batman Arkham City
As previously stated, I love super heroes in every way and whilst InFamous did satisfy my nerdy needs, Batman smothered me with so much pure comic love that I actually became the Caped Crusader for a beautiful but brief 35 hours. Oozing with atmosphere, the world of Arkham City was outstanding in every way and possibly the most believable world since Rapture. The distinctive style of Rocksteady's masterpiece creates the ultimate Batman game, and one that will be held as the benchmark for all things 'comicy'. With a plethora of Batman villains ranging from the Joker to the Riddler, every aspect of Batman's history was covered. Add in a wider range of weapons and gadgets and you have yourself the ultimate super hero experience. Whilst the story was a little short the huge array of side missions was simply staggering and even after 35 hours of gaming, I'm still only around 70% complete. Arkham City blew everyone out of the water and made everyone the Worlds Greatest Detective, a feat that is near unreachable, yet was somehow achieved by the brilliant RockSteady.
2. Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception
Sequel to my favourite game of all time, Uncharted 3 finished the PS3's flagship franchise with not only a bang, but a nuclear sized explosion. Known for its huge set pieces and sharp writing, the Uncharted franchise has reached its full potential at last with the third instalment. In Uncharted 2 the biggest set piece was the wonderful train level, but in Uncharted 3, the train level is made to look like a simple tutorial. Nathan Drake (who once returns as loveable as ever), is thrown around the globe once again and somehow finds himself stumbling through the desert, sneaking around a ship graveyard and flying out of a plane, as the once again intriguing story follows many twists and turns. Naughty Dog understood that the gun play became slightly stale towards the end of Uncharted 2, so have shaken up the formula in the forms of vertical gun play and even a fire fight in the water. Uncharted 3 is simply incredible in every way and is the reason to buy a PlayStation if there ever was one. Nolan North and the team pull out great performances again with the bets cut scenes ever to come out of a game. It is also the most beautiful game ever, everyone looks amazing and the attention to detail is simply staggering. Overall, Uncharted 3 is the biggest and boldest game to come out on the PS3 since, well Uncharted 2, and that's saying something!
1. Portal 2
Here it is then, my favourite game of 2011. I could write many pages about how I love this game, but as you would become bored ever so quickly, I will refrain. No longer is Valve's Portal a side project, it has transformed into the greatest gaming franchise this generation, bar Bioshock. Valve stepped up every gear for the sequel and by doing so, have created a modern day masterpiece that will surely be remembered for many years to come. Plunging the player into the deeper, darker areas of Aperture, the story and writing for Portal 2 was outstanding, with the vicious black humour acting as a constant supply of laughs. Introducing new characters such as Wheatley and Cave Johnson, the Portal universe has expanded exponentially, becoming more fleshed out and richer in every sense of the word. Not only was the atmosphere and story improved upon though, oh no, the main aspect, the puzzles, were once again back in their mind bending form. By including new gels, lasers and excursion tunnels, the puzzles could take on many new forms which required long thought sessions, many of which hurt. Portal 2 is simple gaming bliss. There's no huge explosions, there's no evil Nazi space Orks and no annoying 'human' team mate painfully explaining what to do. Portal 2 returns to being a game, one that has a story, gameplay and most of all, is fun to play. Portal 2 is my Game of the Year for 2011
Honourable Mentions
I understand that there are many games that didn't make the list which are much loved and incredible, so, here are a few that I didn't add but I know were loved:
Gears of War 3
Killzone 3
Dead Space 2
LittleBigPlanet 2
Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword