5. Twisted Metal
4. Crysis 2
The first Crysis was a very unique, exclusive game as it could only of been experienced on a massive, full spec, ridiculously powerful gaming PC, and still to this day, is a one of a kind game. The original was released in 2007 and featured some of the best physics around, some of which are still the best today. The graphics were insane and the gameplay was inventive, fast and fun. The second game from EA is looking to ramp everything up and let the consoles experience the beauty of Crysis too. The game had already had many demo's released, and although it kills me to say, it look better than Uncharted 2. However, it not just a good looking game that is oh so nice, no, Crysis 2 is still the intense, exciting and brilliant game that it was before, only this time set in New York City, not a jungle. The big selling point of the first Crysis was the amazing Nano Suit, it was a suit which gave the player lots of game changing abilities, such as invisibility or super strength, but not only is this being continued in the single player, EA have shown us how it can work in the multiplayer. Much like Bioshock, many fans went up roar over the announcement of online in Crysis, but with an incredible demo shown at E3 this year, the fanboys had their mouths shut tight. Although it was only a 5 minute video, that 5 minutes showed us a more intense, tactical, better looking and crazy version of COD online, so, you never know, we could have a genuine Call Of Duty beater here!
3. Portal 2
Oh Portal, how I love you so. You were a simple add on in a brillaint collection of games and you showed us hwo such a beautiful game could be created without guns and shouting. Once again, Valve had made a fantastic game, along with EVERY other game in their prestigious catalogue! Portal is still to this day the best console puzzle game ever and one of the most original concepts out there. Not only did Portal introduce us to the some how loveable GLaDOS; perhaps the greatest ever game villain and one of the funniest characters in gaming, Portal introduced us to the lovely Portal gun, a dreamy magical gun that nerds still want in their rooms and also the adorable companion cubes, oh the companion cubes! But, since the original only lasted about 6 hours and was extremely short, Portal 2 has promised to step it up a gear and create a really unique world that will, once again, grab the players attention and help make a truly special game. We have already been shown the intriguing concept of Pneumatic Diversity Vents, Repulsion Gel and the Faith Plates, which have all shown ways of new changes and solutions for working out the ever increasing puzzles that lay ahead. Along with the new game changers, a co-op section has already been confirmed and had shown us to loveable, slightly weird bots that look like the old sentry guns from the first one. By adding two players, Vlave have opened up a whole new avenue of pleasure with online play. The original Portal was one of the most unique games ever made, and somehow, the second is shaping up to be even more unique! As long as Still Alives in it, we will be happy!
3. LittleBigPlanet 2
Most people will know by now the true love I feel towards game characters such as Kratos and oh so sexy Nathan Drake, but one little ickle person that I have yet to talk about is Sackboy. Never has a video game character been as simple, but as purely charming as this little critter. When I received the first LBP for Christmas 2 years ago, it was still an empty game. Yes there was a story mode and level creator, but the true potential hadn't been unlocked yet. And then, as the two years passed, the game truly game alive; we were seeing Indiana Jones remakes, art galleries and even an incredible pirate ship level that easily resembled the Pirates of the Caribbean. From what had started off as a strange, empty new IP that had been lovingly made by a lonely developer studio known as Media Molecule, the game grew and grew, to an unbelievable size of over 1 million levels, all created using the level creating tools! And LittleBigPlanet 2 has already shown us how it is getting bigger and better. Even in the recent beta we have witnessed the creation of strange FPS, brilliant over head racers and even something simple such as giant noughts and crosses. Media Molecule claim that they are leaving the game to the public and community, as in the original, they took over. The level creation tools are easy to use and the new uses for them are there and ready to be used, but they need growing and experience, much like the original. In the words of Alex Evans, 'LittleBigPlanet 2 is not a platforming game any more, it is a platform for games'. What he is trying to say is that the game is not going to have one boring genre for it, it will be a mixture of many genres, all lovingly pieced together by the strongest gaming community out there. LittleBigPlanet 2 WILL be huge, no doubt.
1. The Last Guardian
The Last what??? Exactly. And that's why this game rightfully deserves its place at the top. Unlike the last 4 games, this will be a small entry.
The Last Guardian is the newest game from the small developers named ICO. ICO produced the fantastic games ICO (strange name) and one of the best games ever made, Shadow of the Colossus. The company's first two games really struck a chord with the gaming community, it got rid of all the guns, bullets and explosions, and introduced a quite game, that relied on the emotional connections with a certain character. The first was your horse, and even more brilliantly, in Shadow, the actual Colossus. Not much is actually known about the new instalment apart from the fact that you play as a young boy who is mysteriously partnered with a giant bird/dog like creature. Although we have only witnessed this beast for 2 minutes, gamers everywhere have fallen in love with him and the game is slowly growing, with new information only released, say, every 4 months. Whilst COD goes about with its loud explosions and shouty men and FIFA continues with its repeatable, same old footy games, ICO are very slowly working on this masterpiece, just piecing it together. It may not be the biggest or well known game being released in 2011, but due to ICO's record, and the pure mystery surrounding this project, I have to award the most anticipated game of 2011 to The Last Guardian, a truly special creation.
The Ones that got away........
We all know that there are way too many games coming out next year, and I thought I would just mention the brilliance that is turning gaming into a mainstream medium. Some of these will be fantastic, whilst some may let their fans down, but it just goes to show how much effort goes in to giving us gamers the best possible rewards, something that other services dont give their true fans;
Killzone 3 Doom 4 Batman Arkham City
Infamous 2 LA Noire New Battlefield
Gears of War 3 The Agency New COD
Dead Space 2 Spec Ops; The Line Brink
Rage Alice in Wonderland Motorstorm Apocalypse
Metal Gear Solid Rising I am Alive Bioshock Infinite
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