What goes around comes around
Whether it be planets, a boomerang or swingball, life is one giant vicious circle. The famous saying of 'what comes around goes around' is, sadly, very true. The saying is usually related to life, you know relationships, friends and all that malarkey, however, this trend is becoming ever more prevalent within gaming.

I don't want to cause a fuss here, but 'real' gaming appeared around 1995 (by 'real' gaming I mean the emergence of games that can be linked to the everyday releases of 2011). The stars were Lara Croft, Solid Snake, Rayman etc. All of these were, and in some cases still are, mascots of the platforming era. Back then games were much simpler, there was no fancy online components, there was no stupid motion control, the only thing that the game had was its gameplay, and luckily, it was usually great! But, as time went on games developed and evolved into these new orbs of enjoyment. New features were added; 'full destructibility', '10 million graphics' and 'its better than Call of Duty!' are all slogans that will appear on modern games, tempting in the naive with one dimensional 'innovations'. Anyway, lets stop rambling and get to the point.
After E3 it is becoming ever clearer that the games industry is looking back and using it as a guideline, a concept that is resulting in quality over quantity. Take the newly announced Rayman Origins. Beneath the Bioshock's and Uncharted's, Rayman Origins looked incredible at E3. The beautiful art style and nostalgic gameplay conjured up memories from the 1990's era. Ubisoft seem to have gone back in time, stripping the game down to its basics. Likewise, the recently released Mortal Kombat game makes do with a much smoother, simpler and stream-lined approach.
I recently posted an entry regarding Tony Hawks and how we should look back in time for inspiration, and I take full responsibility for this, game developers seem to be doing it. Simplifying things down. But, it cant all be good can it? Much like 'what goes around comes around', the phrase 'karma's a bitch' is also surprisingly relevant Two words for this. Duke. Nukem. The 14 year wait has proven to be a bit of a waste as Duke's cockiness and self loving character is simply annoying now, much like his actual game. So the question is, is the past better? There are many examples of games being stream lined and stripped to help create a purely quality game with no fancy features. Pure gameplay is where its at. Take Super Meat Boy for example. It is not at all afraid to be horrible. It is simple, yet addictive due to its 'one more go' attitude and annoyingly difficult levels. Yes a story is sometimes interesting, but what would you prefer, a long detailed story regarding some despressed emo kid who is just trying to carve his own destiny or a 2D game that eats away at your life? Wait, stupid question, but I hope you understand what I am getting at.
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