Tuesday 24 August 2010

The other day whilst I was reading through some old reviews from around the web, I stumbled across the IGN review for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I watched the video version and about half way through, my mouth fell to the floor with a look of disgust on it. The reviewer for MW2 claimed that its graphics were on par with the incredible Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Now, I know its a bit of fanboyism, but really IGN? Have you even compared them? Let me give you the low down;

Uncharted 2 is a PS3 exclusives, which already compared to MW2 is an advantage, as the Playstation is much better looking than the Xbox when considering graphics.
Uncharted 2 runs in 720p, whilst MW2 runs at a mere 600p.
Uncharted 2 runs at 60fps, and, although Infinity Ward claimed that MW2 runs at 60fps, some nerds discovered that it runs at 30-40fps.

I can take into account that Modern Warfare is a multiplatform game, so it has to accommodate for everyone, but I still think the claim is a bit stupid. There is also the arguement that MW is a FPS whilst Uncharted 2 is a third person, and yes it is true that Uncharted 2 doesnt have to spin around and move as quick as a FPS, but, well you get my point.

Comparison pictures

Now to me MW2 looks a little flat and undetailed, while Uncharted looks sharp, crisp and detailed. Dont get me wrong that some parts of Modern Warfare are gorgeous, I mean look at the gun and hands, very nice. But to me Uncharted is just overall much better, its bolder, crisper, smoother, and just out of this world. (Sorry about the picture positioning)


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